Chewing-gum handbook
Chewing-gum info :
Chewing gum is a soft, cohesive substance intended for chewing but not swallowing. Humans have used chewing gum for at least 5,000 years. Modern chewing gum was originally made of chicle, a natural latex.
By the 1960s, chicle was replaced by butadiene-based synthetic rubber which is cheaper to manufacture. Most chewing gums are considered polymers.
Content :
1. What is chewing gum / 2. History of Chewing-gum / 3. Types of Chewing-gum / 4.How to chewing gum
/ 5. How to use Chewing-gum
껌에대한 사용 설명서
껌 :
씹을 수 있도록 고무에 설탕과 박하 따위의 향료를 섞어서 만든 먹을거리. 입에 넣고 오래씹으면서 단물을
빼어 먹는다.
내용물 :
1. 껌이란? / 2.껌의 역사 / 3.껌의 종류 / 4.껌은 어떻게 씹는가? / 5.껌을 씹는 방법
Chewing-gum handbook is a information book for chewing-gum. It introduces five workshops for the
chewing-gum, their history and the ingredient of chewing gum. Namely that everything contained.
That is the Chewing-gum User's Guide. In this design, the waxed paper is chosen as the main
printing material. It is the most prominent feature of this design. Choosing waxed paper can make
people feel the chewing-gum more vividly through visual sensory. The color strip in the cover can
arouse people's imagination as well.
chewing-gum, their history and the ingredient of chewing gum. Namely that everything contained.
That is the Chewing-gum User's Guide. In this design, the waxed paper is chosen as the main
printing material. It is the most prominent feature of this design. Choosing waxed paper can make
people feel the chewing-gum more vividly through visual sensory. The color strip in the cover can
arouse people's imagination as well.